MoMA | Modern Mondays | An Evening with Lindsay Packer

Lindsay Packer, performance still from light work. Zoom screenshot. 2020.

Lindsay Packer, performance still from light work. Zoom screenshot. 2020.

MoMA | Modern Mondays | An Evening with Lindsay Packer

Streaming Live Jan 25 at 7pm
Archived Jan 25, 7pm - Feb 8, 12pm on

Join me Monday, Jan 25 at 7pm for a livestreamed performance of light work and conversation with Sophie Cavoulacos, Assistant Curator, Department of Film, MoMA. light work transports analog color, light and ephemeral form into the digital realm. This performance and its 2-week archive on are part of the virtual relaunch of Modern Mondays, MoMA’s long running moving image series.

Access is free for MoMA members. Log in with your membership info to catch the live event and/or see the archived recording of the performance.